OBM - Ocean Basket Mauritius
OBM stands for Ocean Basket Mauritius
Here you will find, what does OBM stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Ocean Basket Mauritius? Ocean Basket Mauritius can be abbreviated as OBM What does OBM stand for? OBM stands for Ocean Basket Mauritius. What does Ocean Basket Mauritius mean?The Mauritius based company is located in Mauritius engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of OBM
- Organizational Behavior Management
- Open Book Management
- Open- Book Management
- Open Business Management
- Own Brand Manufacturer
- Own Brand Manufacturer
- Object- Behavior Model
- Morobe, Papua New Guinea
View 49 other definitions of OBM on the main acronym page
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- OCGUS Oxford Computer Group US
- OC Oishi and Company
- OGRPA Office for Government Representation in Property Affairs
- OHI Optimum Health Institute
- OSD Operation Supply Drop
- OCS Opportunity Charter School
- OG The Oliver Group
- OPD Oak Park Dental
- OH The Opportunity Hub
- OIC Ontario International College
- OLE Open Learning Exchange
- ONS Object Next Software
- ORC Operational Research Club
- OCT Oasis Communication Technologies